All across China, people are talking about Dr Li Wen Liang. He was the doctor who discovered the novel coronavirus and in the early morning of 7 Feb, 2.58 am, he was promoted into glory and went home to be with our Father in heaven.
Back in December last year, he was arrested for being a whistle blower ‘spreading rumors’ about a mysterious pneumonia like virus. This morning we found out he was in fact a fellow brother in Christ. Our hearts are deeply moved by his sacrificial choice to spread awareness about the virus despite the risks he faced, especially to his reputation and to his own health.
He continued to care for patients up until he was infected himself. What a legacy to leave behind of what it means to be like Jesus to those hurting in a time of crisis. He chose to be an example of Immanuel, ‘God with us’ to the people of Wuhan.
Can you imagine the joy he must have felt as he entered into eternity and heard the words, “Well done, my good and faithful servant”? So today, please pray for his family, especially his wife who is also infected and 8 months pregnant with their second child.
May God heal them supernaturally n give them grace, peace, strength and comfort during this time. Dr Li Wen Liang penned a deeply touching Chinese poem below of how he would miss his family, his beloved Wuhan n quoted 2 Tim 4:7-8 I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Finally, there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give to me on that Day, and not to me only but also to all who have loved His appearing.
#jiayouwuhan“The Hero Who Told The Truth” Here is a captivating, heart-touching Chinese poem I’ve tried to translate into English. It was written in memory of Mr Li Wenliang, a Christian doctor and whistleblower who died from the coronavirus himself after being punished for issuing the first warning about the deadly coronavirus outbreak.
“I don’t want to be a hero. I still have my parents, and my children, and my pregnant wife who’s about to give birth, and many of my patients in the ward. Though my integrity cannot be exchanged for the goodness of others, despite my loss and confusion, I should proceed anyway. Who let me choose this country and this family? How many grievances do I have? When this battle is over, I will look up to the sky, with tears like rain.”
我不想當英雄。只是做為醫生,我不能眼看著這不明的病毒,傷害著我的同行。還有那多無辜的人們,他們盡管已奄奄一息,可眼睛裏總望著我,帶著 的希望。
“I don’t want to be a hero. But as a doctor, I cannot just see this unknown virus hurting my peers and so many innocent people. Though they are dying, they are always looking at me in their eyes, with their hope of life.”
“Who would have ever realized that I was going to die? My soul is in heaven, looking at the white bed, on which lies my own body, with the same familiar face. Where are my parents? And my dear wife, the lady I once had a hard time chasing?”
“There is a light in the sky! At the end of that light is the heaven that people often talk about. But I’d rather not go there. I’d rather go back to my hometown in Wuhan. I have my new house there, for which I still have to pay off the loan every month. How can I give up? How can I give up? For my parents without their son, how sad must it be? For my sweetheart without her husband, how can she face the vicissitudes in her future?”
“I am already gone. I see them taking my body, putting it into a bag, with which lie many compatriots gone like me, being pushed into the fire in the hearth at dawn.”
“Goodbye, my dear ones. Farewell, Wuhan, my hometown. Hopefully, after the disaster, you’ll remember someone once tried to let you know the truth as soon as possible. Hopefully, after the disaster, you’ll learn what it means to be righteous. No more good people should suffer from endless fear, and helpless sadness.”
“那美好的仗我已經打完了,應行的路我已行盡了,當守的道我守住了。 從此以後,有公義的冠冕為我留存。”《聖經》提摩太後書4.
7″I have fought the good fight. I have finished the race. I have kept the faith. Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness.”2 Timothy 4:7, Holy Bible