Humility of Mind
The story is told of a group of people who went in to see Beethoven’s home in Germany.
After the tour guide had showed them Beethoven’s piano and had finished his lecture, he asked if any of them would like to come up and sit at the piano for a moment and play a chord or two.
There was a sudden rush to the piano by all the people except a gray-haired gentleman with long, flowing hair.
The guide finally asked him, “Wouldn’t you like to sit down at the piano and play a few notes?” He answered, “No, I don’t feel worthy.”
That man was “Paderewski”, the great Polish statesman and pianist and the only man in the group who was really worthy to play the piano of Beethoven.
Humility of mind in its distilled essence means a mind brought low. A gentle person is one whose emotions are under control. It describes the attitude that submits to God’s dealings without rebellion, and to man’s unkindness without retaliation.
It is best seen in the life of our Lord Who said, “Take My yoke upon you, and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart; and you shall find rest for your souls”.
How often people rush in and do things when they have no gift for doing them. We say we have difficulty in finding folk who will do the work of the society, but there is another extreme – folk who attempt to do things for which they have no gift.
We need to walk in lowliness of mind. – Precept Austin “The humble person is not one who thinks meanly of himself; he simply does not think of himself at all!” — Andrew Murray
Stay Blessed My Friend