Most of my Indian friends, who do not believe in Jesus, believe that they will do enough good deeds to outweigh their bad deeds. And if that doesn’t work out, then Reincarnation will give them multiple lives, to make it right. (How terribly depressing, as you never know how many births it will take!)
Both these are lies from the pits of Hell. For Ex. if I murder somebody, how many good deeds and of what kind would I have to perform, to become acceptable by God?
Say I had to appear in court and tell the Judge, yes I killed a man. But your Honor I promise to build an orphanage to help orphan kids, for my crime, so please release me from prison. The judge will say the crime has been comittted and for justice to be served you will face life in prison!
Since they believe in Reincarnation, they may think that they will get it right in succeeding births. But the Bible says in the book of Hebrews, it is once appointed for man to die and after that the Judgement. We will all have to stand before God and give an account for the sins we have committed.
If you reject Jesus, and believe that he didn’t die on the cross for the forgiveness of your sins, you will have to spend eternity in Hell. This is a place of eternal Torment. According to the Bible.
But here is the awesome good news! If you believe that Jesus died for the forgiveness of all your sins, and repent of your sins and turn to Him, you will spend eternity in Heaven which is a place of eternal joy and peace!
Salvation is a free gift of God, you cannot earn or deserve! This is solely based on the goodness, love, and mercy of God provided to us freely thru His Son Jesus!